My First Tennis Racket
It's really amazing for me to buy a tennis racket as I don't know how to play tennis. But anyway, just got my pay check, so went to bought one from Sogo, where there's big sale. Original price HK$1880, now only HK$880. My sister offer to couch me but she has left her racket in Singapore. I think it will be kept in the cupboard for at least half a year before I can play with it.
1. No Breakfast
People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar
level. This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain
causing brain degeneration.
2. Overeating
It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental
3. Smoking
It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.
4. High Sugar consumption
Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients
causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.
5. Air Pollution
The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air
decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in
brain efficiency.
6. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will
accelerate the death of brain cells.
7. Head covered while sleeping
Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon
dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain
damaging effects.
8. Working your brain during illness
Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a decrease in
effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.
9. Lacking in stimulating thoughts
Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation
thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.
10. Talking Rarely - Intellectual conversations
Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.
The Story of a Typical Office Battle (Part II)
THE STORY: (Continues from Part I)
S continued to peak at the Allianceˇs desks when every we were away (eg. Washroom), and copied our documents. We had to keep an close eye on our things and we make sure that we locked all confidential documents and laptops in drawers whenever we were away.
R and I took turn to stay back after work, only to leave the office after S.
R called R to take action quickly and S was posting a serious threat to the company. R agreed to do so but he did not believe S was copying the documents.
One day, there was a serious quarrel between Me and Y regarding some documentation issues. Y insisted a change in the document of which is unreasonable to Me and we had a fight. S heard the conservation.
On the next day, R made a high profile called to S for a
"causal" chat after work when I was away for meeting.
(Note: Y used to gather information through S) S thought Y wanted to ask about Me and thought it was not the right time to talk, she postponed the chat for 2 weeks.
R's tolerance had reached the limited and he pressured Y to take action immediately. Y reviewed that he would not fire S, but will ask her to resign.
Y came to the office while E and I were out of town in that very morning. R went to toilet and Y saw S was flipping Rˇs documents at his desk. Y was annoyed and he called for a private meeting with S. Y told S that due to the recent changes, the company no longer have suitable assignment for S to stay on. The management may keep an idle staff for a few months but he/she will be fired in long run. Y was "kindly" advising S to look for another job within 3 months before the company to take any action against her. Also, that the management was "unaware" of his talk with her.
After the meeting, S went straight to the toilet and stay there for long time.
Everything looked normal when E and I returned to office in the afternoon.
S started to be friendly with E, and liked to chat with her.
to be continued... (cos' I'm getting sleepy)
My New Breakfast Tray
Thanks to my sister to went to buy a breakfast tray for me from IKEA last week. As some of you may know, my box-size bedroom is so tiny that I can't afford to have any bed-side table / dressing table / study desk. It's very inconvenient for me to use my computer at home. I used to drag the broadband cable to the living room and access the internet on the dinning table using my laptop. But now, whenever I need to the computer, I just have to put the breakfast tray on the bed and use it as a desk.
Mission Risk
Anyone wants to play Risk online with me ? Click
here to download the freeware.
The Story of a Typical Office Battle (Part 1)
Characters Involved:
CO: The Company
I / Me: A newbie in the complicated area of office politics. Currently doing admin and listing related work. Tries to maintain a pleasant relationship with everyone in the office but still forced to take sides for self-protection.
G: The Boss of CO. The businessman who has many businesses, travelling all the time, always not in office.
Y: An employee of G's friend's company, is "borrowed" to help take care of CO while G is away. Someone who think that he can have a share of the business or hold a senior management post after the company goes public. But G decides to slowly "return" him to his friend.
S: The victim of the conspiracy. An incompetent assistant accountant in contract but name herself the Accounting Manager, who also foresees herself as the Financial Controller of CO.
R: The senior consultant hired from a consultanting company and now also act as the FC of CO. Someone who find life as consultant too stressful, want to quite his job and be the REAL FC or Finance Director of CO.
J: The junior consultant hired from a consultanting company and now also act as the Account Manager of CO. Someone who R wants to pull him to work in CO as well. Usually stations in CO's China factory.
E: The account assistant, who is in-charge of the full set of account. She was hired directly by G.
Alliance: the alliance formed by R, E and Me
THE STORY: (The events occured in timely order)
S applied job in Y's company but instead she was offered a post in CO. At that time, Y was in total control of CO as G is always not around. Y had promised the position of FC to S after the company goes public.
S started to take charge of CO and was offered above-market salary and other fridge benefits. S was also promised a Extra bonus for her service after the company goes public.
S and E was in bad terms. Y & S wanted to fire E but was stopped by G.
R and J was hired as consultant, but in the beginning, they were not stationed in the office. J takes care of all accounting related issues, oversees all work done by E, while R is in-charge of all listing related documentation, restructuring, strategic planning, negotiations etc.
G has reviewed to the staff that Y will leave the company soon, possibly after CO goes public.
R gained control of the company when he was asked to station in the office (also with a secret offer) and take charge of the office. Y begins to lose power...
Y does not know R & G's plan and think that R and J will leave the company after it goes public.
Conflict started between R and S. R sees S as an incompetent employee while S sees R as a threat to her career advancement. Me, E and R formed alliance. I see threat from Y (my own career advancement and I am pissed with Y's attitude.
R refuse to let S handle any new project. Most of S's work is now handled by J and so S slowly lose influence in the office.
R proposed to fire S but G wants to leave some "face" for Y, and suggested to deal with her only after listed.
S turned to Y for help. Y wanted to maintain his influence/power in CO, so Y in turn pressured R to let S to take charge of more important work.
Meawhile Y also advised S to switch to admin position, but she showed no interest in that area.
We starts to tackle.
Firstly, it was S's language class, that was 30 times more expensive than normal course, and was paid by CO. G was misled and thought that the first month's payment is one time payment for the whole course and unawared that the company is paying for it monthly. I informed G and he immediately stopped the payment / class. However, S suppected that it was R behind this.
Secondly, exclude her from mailing list and stop information flow to her.
G started to exclude her from meetings as well.
Conflicts occur everyday between S, E & R, until early this week, there was a major arguement broke off while I was out for meeting. R could no longer tolerate the present of S in the office and went to speak to Y. R managed to convince Y to ask S to leave and to offer an attractive package. Y promised to deal with her himself.... (still waiting for news)
There is rumours saying Y wants to shift his secretary from his working company to work in CO to replace the loss of S.
On the other hand, R now wants J and replace S with him. (pleaes note that the office has limited working space / seats and cannot have new staff within sacking an old one)
S starts to sense something going on, while the Alliance get ready for S's departure. Steps are taken to prevent her from stealing confidential documents and take any action which may jeopardize the progress of listing.
S has tendency to stay back after work to do her own/personal work, so Me and R takes turns to stay back as well to make sure that she's not in the office alone.
That's all for what is happening...
Conspiracy continues, power struggle continue, political battle continues....
the following events do not occur in the order listed below
# Received a letter from my university after the cancelling of my graduation ceremony due to SARS outbreak. I screamed in shocked and mum thought that I've failed my exam and I am not allowed to attend the graduation ceremony.
# Urgent call for coffee discussion at the furthest Starbucks within walkable distance from office with my FC in regards to the conspiracy of firing my accountant. Due to un-bearable working tension between them, and the danger of fire sparkles generated everyday. We conclude that action should be carried out a.s.a.p., possibly within this week.
# Confirm that the translator at is the worst substitue for any human translator.
# Confirm that my motivation to write is peak at mid-night.