YY's Little O.L. Notes

Thursday, October 17, 2002

A RPG Dream

I've got a strange dream last night. It has a well structured story and it is very seldom for me to have a dream that I am playing another character.

It all started this morning when I woke up at 11:05am, finding it a bit early, I decided to get more sleep. (I usually get up at 12pm)

It started like this:

I was a little girl (about 10 years old) living with my parents in an apartment. I had a few siblings, 1 younger brother, 1 younger sister, but can't remember if I've got any eld siblings.

One day after breakfast, I was carrying a bag of rubbish out to the back door, where there's a fire staircase and a rubbish bin beside the door.When I went out of the door, I realized that something strange going on. The bin was missing and I could sense someone hidding behind the staircase. I got scared (I'm a little girl) and quickly ran back to tell my mother, who a middle-aged woman with short curly blonde hair. Soon, we realized that the whole flat is being watched. We can see some men in black watching us outside the windows, front door and back door.

My father (probably my step-father) said that it is probably due to something that was hidden by my mother in the storeroom. Since they got married and he moved into the apartment, she had never allow him to go into / near the storeroom.

Sudden, the whole apartment started to swing, the movement got bigger and bigger and eventually the building toppled but the structure didn't collaspe, so no one was hurt. We quickly crawled out of the building through the window and get onto the street. However, mother said we were still in danger, and we should head towards her brother's shop a few blocks away. So, we all ran all the way to my uncle's fabric store and straight right into the office at the back. Found my uncle (a skinless bald headed man) there who was shocked to see us.

Then, I woke up, looked at the watch, 11:25am. It seemed so long, but actually the dream only last for 20 minutes...

Sorry that I'm never been a good story teller

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