YY's Little O.L. Notes

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Overtime Grumble

It is really not desirable to work OT at my office due to the following reasons:

1. The air-condition supply terminates at 7pm sharp. You will find yourself working in ovan condition during this mid summer and oxygen is in scare supply as there's no alternative source of air supply. The condition worsen after mid-night and when someone is smoking in the enclosed office.

2. Very limited choice of dinner after 8pm.

3. A more hostile working environment than during the day time as everybody are tired and in bad mood.

4. You either:
a. You become the most hated person from your counterpart's point of view and they have to accompany you, or
b. You find yourself stuck every 5 minutes as people who can help you have left the office.

5. Anymore ? I can't think anymore, I'm going home now....

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