YY's Little O.L. Notes

Friday, September 27, 2002

I thought I can have a relax break, but ended up going down to City to do shopping.

Mum wants fury sheep rug, so got to go Paddy's Market to find one. I remember there's one store (the cheapest I can find) located somewhere in the middle, went round and round, can't find it. So I went to another store, and found the type I wanted. It was $10 more expensive than I tot, I asked for a discount and the shopkeeper pulled a long black face at me :-< Why should I buy from someone who doesn't deliver good service ??? She thinks her rug so good meh ? Or issit moi look too poor to afford one ? I walked off and continue looking for that particular store. It's near the closing time, I was quite worry that I can't find that particular store. Running around like a mad woman,�.. Oh ! found it ! $55 ($10 cheaper) ! I put up my best smile and asked for a further discount, I only buy one, so the store owner only give me $5 discount. Ok lah, take it, and happily walk off to do grocery shopping�..

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